Intuitive Guidance


Lately I fancy myself a “psychopomp” of sorts, a guide for the living, evolving soul… mediating between seen and unseen realms assisting clients in harmonizing voices of their Soul and human persona and anchoring in sensory belonging.



“Home is a creative process of refinement, of finding yourself again and again. The act of building a home is a declaration of belonging. “I am here.” Within these walls, literal and energetic, I am claiming space to meet the needs of my body and soul so I can live a lifetime of full expression here on earth.”


not limited to:

  • intuitive guidance and spiritual direction: calibrating inner compass

  • embodying and materializing dreams: envisioning into being

  • navigating foundational shifts; death and rebirth (demo and reno)

  • home as a creative medium: intention and energetic maintenance

  • home as a relationship and mirror: reading patterns and potentialities

  • home as a second skin

  • clearing creative channels

  • weaving feng shui, breath|energy work into other therapeutic modalities / professions

  • dating as a practice of refining authentic connection to self and others

  • refining intuitive skills and sensitivities

  • cultivating ease and beingness as a foundation of existing; burnout recovery

  • dispelling societal and ancestral patterning + inherited belief systems

  • energetic boundaries and maintenance

  • resolving contradictory soul and personality needs

  • integrating intuitive insights, psychedelic experiences

  • expanding capacity to receive

  • architecting forms devoted to the formless


“In Joseph Campbell’s classic exploration of myth,  Hero With a 1,000 Faces, he maps the key phases of the hero/heroine’s journey. After the hero/heroine passes the threshold into the unknown world of their adventure, they quickly come upon both tests and helpers. Think:  Virgil guiding  Dante through the underworld in The Inferno. The helper is typically someone who has made their own journey and lived to share their wisdom. Part poet, part sage, part comic relief, the helper now travels shoulder to shoulder with the hero/heroine and assists them through their travail. 

When you find yourself across the threshold of your own mythic tale, perhaps looking back at a life you no longer recognize as your’s, but equally uncertain about the terrain ahead, consider listening to a wise helper. Kyle is eminently suited to this role - having enough perspective on the landscape to be genuinely of service, and enough humility and respect for the traveler’ specific path to not get in her way. She is a truly indispensable companion.” - Kali B.


Working with Kyle has been one of the most impactful experiences along my journey. Kyle shows up in our sessions with full presence. She is incredibly gracious and generous in how she listens and in the way she gives guidance. Her wisdom is poetry. I always have pen-in-hand in our sessions and look back on my notes in awe of how poignant her words are and how deeply they resonate. The mentorship with Kyle is subtle in that I feel it working, but am not sure how! It’s not about aggressive changes with lots of efforting. It’s about taking loving, thoughtful steps while dissolving what no longer serves. After our sessions I’m struck by how calm I feel and how much more clarity I have. It feels like a nourishing meal or a comforting blanket. I am experiencing shifts in the ways I interact with and perceive the world. Unraveling long-held patterns. And truly claiming my dreams as not just dreams, but realities that I can choose to create. Kyle has helped me tremendously when it comes to creating and holding boundaries, especially as I am a very energetically sensitive person. She has helped me expand my toolkit when it comes to resourcing myself and centering in my power.Our work with both my internal and external landscapes has made me confident in my ability to feel Home wherever I am. -Kelsey H.