Past Trainings



MAGIC SQUARE THROUGH FENG SHUI In this session we will explore the relationship between the magic square and feng shui, using the btb school bagua map, a nine square grid we can place over a floor plan to orient us in our spaces.

The magic square is a Chinese grid of numbers whose coherence form a measured pattern of integration and dexterity. When the magic square is presented flat, it resembles a tic tac toe board, but when regarded with dimension it is a cube, becoming synonymous with the body, whose possession of legs, arms, torso and head provides the idea of being personally embodied; the idea of being contained. Moving through the route of the magic square organizes us in time and space. For the structure of anything, determines how it functions. Join us to uncover the magic of the map that underpins our entire practice and to explore how to use the it as a tool in your practice, teaching, life and beyond.

FENG SHUI MAPPING - hosted by THE STUDIO (Feb 2022)

The five element system describes the world we live in as a dynamic phenomenon that is in a constant state of change. In this session we will explore the five elements, how they interact with each other and how they show up in our environments. We will look at our dominant elements in accordance with 9 star ki astrology and discuss how our environment can best nourish those elements.

Yin and Yang are two opposite and complimentary forces which interact and join to form the universe. In feng shui philosophy everything in the universe can be broken down into yin and yang energy, similar to binary code. In this session we will learn to identify yin energy and yang energy in the home and how to work with the interplay as an expression of creation. We will also use the yin/yang map as a lense to place furniture and decide on the layout of a room.

The btb school bagua map explores our inner psychology and how it's playing out in our space. It is a nine square grid placed over a floor-plan and oriented in accordance to the “mouth of qi” of the home, or the main entrance of the home (as opposed to the compass direction of the home). We will explore how to place the map, how to travel it, what it can illuminate and how to use it as a guide to make changes using techniques such as the five element system.

The Bazhai map overlays the compass direction of the home with the astrological orientation of the inhabitant over the floor-plan. It supports us in finding a deeper alignment with the directional energy of our home. In this session we will look at how we can use the bazhai map in conjunction with the five element system to orient ourselves to receive the positive directional energy coming into our home and transmute the negative.

HOMEBODY SERIES (Nov - Dec 2021)

〈HomeBody」is a weekly invitation to consciously explore and deepen the way we inhabit our bodies and environments.

✩ a virtual home to share my evolving understanding of inhabiting space inside and out ✩

Intro to the Bazhai Map: The Bazhai map is a Feng Shui tool that superimposes the compass direction of the home onto the astrological orientation of the inhabitant. Overlayed on a floorplan, it is a guide to support the inhabitant in finding a deeper alignment with the directional energy of their home. What does this look like? How is it used? Give me more details!

Connect to the Heart of your Home: What I’ve learned over the years in my own exploration of home and in supporting others is that there is a karmic contract you enter into when you move into a home between the “consciousness” of the home and yourself. And its really hard to move or find a new home if you haven’t fulfilled or consciously acknowledged and terminated the contract. What to do when you move into a temp home!? How do you tune into the heart of your home? Breathwork to clear the heart and shift the energy of your home.

9 star Ki Astrology: What is it?! How do my numbers support me? What can I do in my home to support my 9 star ki astrology? Your 9 star ki astrology consists of 3 numbers (elements) : the first reflects your overall personality, the second is where you go under stress, and the third is what you are evolving towards in this lifetime.

Breathwork - Clear your Body, Clear your Home: Part theory part application: we discuss how you are the tool for energetically clearing your home. And we practice a few different breath techniques.

In this training we will dive into basic principles of Form School Feng Shui. Form school originated as a way to evaluate land formations and decide on the best placement and orientation for a house. This same philosophy can be used inside your home. It speaks to the layout of your home, furniture placement, yin/yang energy and how to create optimal Qi flow throughout your home. Energy flows where the awareness goes! Just as in the body, you want energy to flow freely throughout the home, not too fast and not too slow. How do you control this? Join to find out! We will also explore ideal furniture placements for rest and restoration as well as support and power.

FENG SHUI & FLOWERS (April 2021)

A weekend intensive designed by Kyle Freeman and Francesca Ramirez to help you align with the medicine of spring to support your vision and growth. 

Feng Shui and Flowers is an invitation to align with nature’s spring energy of growth and rebirth and name what you want to see bloom in your own life. We will learn tools to create a powerful home ritual working with flower consciousness and the feng shui bagua map to creatively explore and express your unique vision and intention. 


FENG SHUI BASICS: Applying the Magic Square to Your Home
In this training we will dive into the basic principles of Feng Shui. We will look specifically at the BTB school Bagua method (aka Magic Square/Lo Shu), one of many Feng Shui tools: how to apply it to your floor plan and/or home and use it to create a ritual for your space to hold new intentions for the current phase of your life. We will also look at the 5 phase/element system and how it can be used with the magic square. Katonah Yoga’s Magic Square application to the body and yoga poses stems from the same Chinese philosophy. Here we will apply it to your “second skin,” your home.


In Chinese medicine each season has a specific medicine, quality of energy that it is correlated with. Autumn is correlated with the lungs and large intestines, metal element, the emotion of grief... Which means right now you have nature's support in tending to these areas of your life. As in the 5 element system, each season (and each element) nurtures the next. Working with the energy of letting go in autumn will support you to move into a deeper rest and insight in the winter which will support new and healthy growth in the spring and then your most expansive self in the summer!


An 8-week online course designed to help you deepen your relationship to your home using Feng Shui and mystical teachings

Home as Sacred Space is an invitation to consciously explore how we inhabit our dwellings and what it means to create and maintain sacred space. Focusing largely on Feng Shui philosophy, you’ll learn practical application of the ancient art while weaving in other mystical tools such as ritual astrology, space clearing and crystal healing. All participants will be encouraged to submit their own floor plans to receive personal guidance throughout the course. 


In this workshop we will dive into basic principles of Feng Shui. We will explore what it means to create a home environment that supports fertility. Your bedroom and different areas in your home are directly correlated with your relationship, health and creative power. What changes can you make to enhance these areas? We will look at your floor plans, furniture placement, qi flow, and how to apply the Bagua method so that you leave the workshop with actionable steps to work with your home.


Join Kyle to discuss how to put more love into your home. This is neither a formal feng shui class nor a full on consultation but an intimate gathering where you have the opportunity to share how you feel about your home/what’s going on in your space and collect insight on ways to shift or enhance your connection to your home and your Self from a feng shui perspective. All participants will be asked (not required!) to sketch a floor plan of their home to bring to the workshop. Kyle will use these as working examples to discuss feng shui principles and offer personalized instruction.


Pranayama Masterclass “Embodying Inspiration”

@ Sky Ting NYC (IRL) (June 2023)

Through breath, visualization and gentle movement, we will activate the imagination, clear the body, and ground to receive. When you embody your own magic, you experience a felt sense of understanding of its value, and can trade it for other currencies in the world.

Winter Breath+Energy Series (Winter 2023)

the Medicine of Winter and Water

In Chinese medicine Winter is the season correlated with water element and the energy of the kidney/adrenals. It is the most yin season of the year: a time for deep restoration... a time to turn inwards, commune with your dreams (seeds of potentialities)... a time to connect to the glow of your internal world and drink from your well so that you have full strength and willpower to creatively thrive in the Spring.

Winter is an opportunity to slow down to hear the voices of our deepest truths, our intuition, connect to the support and wisdom of generational truths. We live in a culture that values doing over being and it makes winter a very challenging medicine to access. It's hard to go against the societal flow. We slow down and get trampled externally while internally our anxiety volume increases! It's so easy to give up and busy ourselves and miss out on the magic available.

This virtual series offers breathwork practices tolerate the discomfort that comes with slowing down and tap into the richness that comes from shifting into beingness and opening to receive. Receiving is its own vibe you cannot do your way into receiving. This series is a protective space that encourages and inspires your journey inwards. Flow with us.

Pranayama Masterclass at Sky Ting NYC (IRL) 

(Oct 2022)

This class will include pranayama and restorative yoga postures to create spaciousness in the body for an expansive breath experience. We will explore the magic that can happen when you are fully present with the sensations of breath.

9 Days of Breathwork: Fall Challenge w/ Sky Ting (Fall 2022)

9 signifies wholeness and completion

In Chinese medicine Autumn is the season of the Lungs, correlated with metal element. It is a transition time from the dynamic yang energy of the summer to the deeply restorative yin energy in the winter. As the days get shorter, releasing what no longer lights you up is necessary to connect and source more and more from the light of your internal world.



In this session we will explore breathwork practices for each element and season.

In ancient times Chinese scientists studied patterns in nature. They watched the movement of sunlight and shadows across the hills as the day progressed, and the characteristics from each season as it emerged and then evolved into the next phase of the year. They observed the life cycles of plants: tiny sprouts that grew upward toward the sun, blossoming, bearing fruit with seeds to start the next generation, then declining, dying and returning to the soil. They also observed the stages of life in humans and animals. What they came to see is that all of life moves in a circle, from birth, through life, to death, then birth again. Within this circle, they noticed patterns in how this passage of time plays out: a cycle of five different stages where the energy has distinct qualities. They called these phases the five elements and gave each a name to describe the type of energy represented: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.

Late Summer Breathwork Series (Late Summer 2022)

In Chinese medicine Late Summer is the season of the Spleen, Stomach, Pancreas correlated with earth element and the emotion of worry. It is a short but potent transition season where we have the opportunity to consolidate the expansive energy of summer into something tangible… ‘tis the season of manifestation. What does it mean to ground into your body and connect to the earth? What does it feel like to allow your body (not your brain) to guide you to nourishment. In this breathwork series we will breathe to ground and receive like the earth receives nutrients from the sky.

Summer Breathwork Series (Summer 2022)

In Chinese medicine Summer is the season of the Heart, correlated with fire element and the emotion of joy. It is the most yang season of the year where our inner light radiates out to connect with others in full force (think flowers in full bloom and radiant expression)! In this breathwork series we will breathe to ground so the flame of joy doesn’t tip into anxiety. We will breathe to clear our energy field so that we can radiate our pure essence out into our environment… and in true alignment with Summer we will whip the energy up and celebrate the joy of speed and levity.

The week long series will conclude with a breath and cacao ceremony co-facilitated by myself and Stephanie Madrid that will focus on shifting into being-ness to create space to experience the magic and inspired action that arises from simply being with the life force of breath and the medicine of cacao. Cacao is a potent heart-opening medicine making it a powerful pairing with the summer season breathwork.

Five Element IMMERSION w/ The Studio (summer 2022)

with Kyle Freeman, Abbie Galvin, Chris Chen, Kyle Henry, Jessica Willis

In ancient times Chinese scientists studied patterns in nature. They watched the movement of sunlight and shadows across the hills as the day progressed, and the characteristics from each season as it emerged and then evolved into the next phase of the year. They observed the life cycles of plants: tiny sprouts that grew upward toward the sun, blossoming, bearing fruit with seeds to start the next generation, then declining, dying and returning to the soil. They also observed the stages of life in humans and animals. What they came to see is that all of life moves in a circle, from birth, through life, to death, then birth again. Within this circle, they noticed patterns in how this passage of time plays out: a cycle of five different stages where the energy has distinct qualities. They called these phases the five elements and gave each a name to describe the type of energy represented: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.

FIVE ELEMENT BREATHWORK (Wednesday July 20th) with Kyle Freeman

In this session we will explore breathwork practices for each element and season.

21 Day Breathwork Series (Spring 2022)

In Chinese medicine Spring is the season of the Liver, correlated with wood element. We are awakening from our wintery state of rest and introspection. Latent forces within us are aroused and imbued with direction. Spring offers the invitation of new beginnings: connect to inspiration, clarify our vision, and find the courage to pursue our potential. Option to join in on the liver cleanse component.

21 Day Breathwork Series (Winter 2022)

What seeds lie dormant within? What is the emotional landscape that surrounds them?

I’m personally very excited to move into the energy of a 6 year (2+0+2+2). In numerology 6 is a number of expansion… and what better way to embrace the new year 6 energy than to expand your breath capacity: to create more spaciousness internally to hold what the new energy brings! Additionally, In Chinese medicine Winter is the season of the Kidneys/Bladder, correlated with water element. It is a time of deeply restorative yin energy… a time to turn inwards, connect to the glow of your internal world and charge up so that you have full strength and willpower to sprout forth in the Spring!

Seminar Series: Expoloring Breath

with Danielle Rosati, Elena Brower, Kyle Freeman, Hari Kaur

In the most exhilarating moments of life, your breath is there. In the deepest grief, there too you will find the omnipresent melody of materiality, your precious breath. Vacillating between practices that stimulate and soothe, breathwork allows you to come home, to be alone with yourself.

FENG SHUI BREATHWORK (Wednesday November 17th)
Integrate Feng Shui with Kyle Freeman as she leads you through a breathwork practice to clear your body while clearing your home, focusing on grounding you in your environment, boosting the energy of your space, and determining the ideal places in your dwelling to set up for practice.

21 Day Breathwork Series (Fall 2021)

In Chinese medicine Autumn is the season of the Lungs, correlated with metal element. It is a transition time from the dynamic yang energy of the summer to the deeply restorative yin energy in the winter. As the days get shorter, releasing what no longer lights you up is necessary to connect and source more and more from the light of your internal world. Autumn medicine often stirs up feelings of grief and regret which can be challenging to process but when nurtured grief can be a guide to reverence. 

What inspires you? What do you hold to be of highest importance? How are you honoring the inspiration and its transformative powers? Can you allow the weight of what no longer serves fall to the earth for compost?